We try to keep a list of projects through various organizations that can be conducted in Newfoundland and Labrador. If you’d like to list your citizen science project here, contact us.
All species:
iNaturalist – a site/app to record all your wildlife (bird/mammal/insect/plant/fungi, etc) sightings, anywhere in the world. Anything recorded for the apps/programs below can be added to iNaturalist (but you need a photo).
eBird – a site and app to record all your bird sightings, anywhere in the world. The largest citizen science project in the world.
Project Feederwatch, Great Backyard Bird Count, Christmas Bird Counts, Kids Christmas Bird Counts, Breeding Bird Atlas, and many more (Birds Canada) – identify and count birds near you
Red Crossbill sightings – (Provincial government of NL) – watch for this colourful bird & email provincial biologists
Marine species:
Marine mammals with Dr. Jack Lawson at DFO – send sightings to [email protected] or @drjwlawson
ecapelin (WWF Canada) – submit your observations & photos of capelin rolling on shores near you
The Great Eggcase Hunt – submit photos and locations of skate and shark egg cases (mermaid’s purses) that you find along beaches
Newfoundland and Labrador Mosquito Project – collect mosquitoes in a tube for a research study about climate change, human viruses, distribution, etc. Contact [email protected] or via the link above
Great Canadian Bumblebee Count (Friends of the Earth) – identify bees to species using a guide then submit data
Bat sightings – (Provincial government of NL / CCWHC) – watch for bats flying in the winter or early spring, or suspected hibernation sites
Arctic Hare sightings – (Provincial government of NL) – watch for this rare mammal & email provincial biologists