Indoor Public Events
Public Talks
What better way to spend a Thursday evening than learning about locally and globally relevant nature topics? Our public talks feature diverse speakers (e.g. naturalists, scientists, adventurers, lawyers, educators, etc.) focused on everything from backyard biodiversity to rare and endangered species. Our talks run in-person and online every 3rd Thursday* of the month from September – April. Make sure to not miss a talk and stay updated on location here. We have a few special public talks:
September: Public talk
October: Public talk
November: Public talk
December: Christmas break – join us for our annual Christmas hike instead!
February: Public talk featuring Memorial University graduate students
March: AGM & Photo Night – Share your nature photos with our naturalist community by emailing us at [email protected]
April: Public talk – Labrador Night
*On occasion, we do have to accommodate speaker availability and will host the talk on an alternative day.

Bird Learning Nights
Join Nature NL and our experienced naturalists for our online Bird Learning Nights. We will walk you through a series of bird identification using bird photography (similar to birding in a group outdoors). Learn to use identification clues like looking at the shape of the bird, plumage, beak, behaviours, etc. This is a great chance to improve your skills, while learning in a playful manner.
You don’t need to have any birding experience to be part our Bird Learning Nights, and there are always a variety of levels of birds (some very easy, some nearly impossible to ID). The photos are not perfect, but that’s a very realistic way to learn identification because in the real world, we don’t always get perfect views of birds either. We will play using species that are found in various parts of Newfoundland and Labrador. You can play from anywhere if you are interested in Newfoundland birds. It isn’t competitive but rather a collaboration between the whole group to find the answer.

Wilson’s Warbler. Photo Credits: Jared Clarke