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Become a member today

Join a fun community of Newfoundland and Labrador naturalists of all abilities and ages.

Your support makes our programming a reality. We depend on supporters like you to keep our programming free for everyone to attend.

Looking for other ways to sign up? Send us an email at [email protected] with this membership form, and we’ll be in touch!

White Snowshoe Hare in Wintertime

Benefits of membership include:

  • Meet new friends and become part of a community of people with similar interest
  • Support our work to help people enjoy and protect nature
  • Support making a conservation difference in Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Receive a monthly members-only newsletter (with important updates and opportunities)
  • Members-only events (walks, hikes, weekends)
  • Members-only contests
  • Members-only free giveaways & extras

Once you have your membership, we’ll add you to our members list (using the email address you provide) so you’ll receive all our events, members-only events, and member exclusives.

Member testimonials: